How Many Calories Does Cycling Burn in 1 Hour?

Cycling is a popular and effective form of exercise that offers numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and flexibility. Whether you’re cycling for fun, fitness, or as a mode of transportation, understanding how many calories you burn during your ride can help you track your progress and achieve your fitness goals. In this blog post, we’ll explore the factors that influence calorie burn during cycling and provide an overview of the calories burned in one hour of cycling at various intensities.

Factors Affecting Calorie Burn During Cycling

  1. Weight of the cyclist

The weight of the cyclist is an essential factor when calculating calorie burn, as heavier individuals typically burn more calories than lighter individuals during the same activity. This is because it requires more energy to move a greater mass.

  1. Cycling speed and intensity

Cycling at a faster pace or higher intensity will generally result in a higher calorie burn. Increased effort requires more energy and leads to greater cardiovascular exertion.

  1. Terrain and incline

Cycling uphill or on uneven terrain can increase the intensity of your ride, leading to a higher calorie burn. This is because riding on inclines or challenging terrain engages more muscle groups and requires additional effort.

  1. Type of bike (e.g., road, mountain, or stationary)

Different types of bikes can impact the number of calories burned during cycling. For instance, mountain bikes tend to be heavier and less efficient than road bikes, requiring more effort and resulting in a higher calorie burn. Stationary bikes can also vary in terms of calorie burn, depending on factors such as resistance and workout programs.

  1. Personal fitness level

Individuals with a higher fitness level may burn fewer calories during the same activity compared to those with lower fitness levels. This is because the body becomes more efficient at using energy as fitness levels improve.

How Many Calories Does Cycling Burn in 1 Hour

How Many Calories Does Cycling Burn in 1 Hour
  • Low Intensity Cycling

Calorie burn estimate: Approximately 300-400 calories per hour

Low-intensity cycling includes leisurely rides in the park or neighborhood, where you maintain a steady but relaxed pace. These rides typically involve minimal effort and are ideal for beginners or those looking for a light workout.

  • Moderate Intensity Cycling

Calorie burn estimate: Approximately 500-600 calories per hour

Moderate-intensity cycling involves a slightly faster pace and may include activities such as commuting to work or participating in group rides. These rides require more effort than low-intensity cycling but are still manageable for most individuals.

  • High Intensity Cycling

Calorie burn estimate: Approximately 700-800 calories per hour

High-intensity cycling includes activities such as spinning classes, racing, or interval training, where the rider pushes their limits and maintains a high level of exertion. These rides are challenging and require a significant amount of effort, resulting in a higher calorie burn.

*Please note that these calorie burn estimates are approximate and can vary based on individual factors such as weight, fitness level, and workout intensity.

Calorie Burn Estimates for Different Cycling Intensities

Intensity LevelCalorie Burn Estimate (per hour)

Online Tools and Apps to Track Calorie Burn

  1. Popular fitness tracking apps (e.g., MyFitnessPal, Strava)

Several fitness tracking apps can help you monitor your calorie burn during cycling. MyFitnessPal, for instance, allows you to log your cycling activities and provides an estimate of calories burned based on factors such as duration, intensity, and weight. Strava is another popular app that tracks your

rides, provides calorie burn estimates, and offers additional features such as segments, challenges, and social connections with fellow cyclists.

  1. Using a heart rate monitor to estimate calorie burn

Heart rate monitors provide a more personalized estimate of calorie burn during exercise by measuring your heart rate and factoring in your age, weight, and fitness level. Many fitness watches and trackers have built-in heart rate monitors, making it easy to track your calorie burn and other workout metrics.

  1. Benefits of tracking calorie burn and workout metrics

Tracking your calorie burn and other workout metrics can help you stay motivated, monitor your progress, and tailor your workouts to achieve your fitness goals. By understanding your calorie expenditure, you can make informed decisions about your nutrition, workout intensity, and duration to optimize your results.

Tips for Increasing Calorie Burn During Cycling

  1. Incorporating interval training

Interval training involves alternating between periods of high-intensity and low-intensity cycling. This type of training can increase your overall calorie burn by boosting your metabolism and challenging your cardiovascular system. Try incorporating intervals into your rides by alternating between high-intensity sprints and low-intensity recovery periods.

  1. Riding at a consistent pace

Maintaining a consistent pace during your ride can help increase your calorie burn by preventing your body from adapting to a specific speed. Aim to keep your effort level constant, even when transitioning between flat terrain and inclines.

  1. Adding resistance or incline

Increasing resistance on a stationary bike or tackling hilly terrain on an outdoor ride can significantly boost your calorie burn. By challenging your muscles and cardiovascular system, you can increase the intensity of your workout and burn more calories in the process.

  1. Incorporating strength training to boost overall calorie burn

Strength training can enhance your overall fitness, increase muscle mass, and boost your metabolism, leading to a higher calorie burn during cycling and other activities. Consider incorporating strength training exercises that target your core, upper body, and lower body to improve your cycling performance and increase your calorie burn.


Cycling is an enjoyable and effective way to burn calories and improve your overall fitness. Calorie burn during cycling can vary based on factors such as weight, intensity, terrain, and fitness level, but generally falls within the range of 300-800 calories per hour. By incorporating strategies such as interval training, maintaining a consistent pace, and adding resistance, you can increase your calorie burn and make the most of your cycling workouts. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise program, and remember to listen to your body and adjust your workouts as needed to achieve your fitness goals.

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