How long does it take to bike 100 miles?

For many cyclists, biking 100 miles is a significant milestone. It’s a challenging distance that can take several hours to complete, and it requires a considerable amount of physical and mental endurance. But how long does it actually take to bike 100 miles? The answer to this question depends on several factors, such as the cyclist’s fitness level, the terrain, and the weather conditions.

The distance of 100 miles is equivalent to 160.9 kilometers, which is a long way to bike. On average, a cyclist can complete 100 miles in 4-6 hours, depending on their fitness level, speed, and the terrain. However, the time it takes to bike 100 miles can vary widely based on these factors. Some cyclists can cover the distance in under 3 hours, while others may take over 8 hours to complete it.

Factors such as wind resistance, elevation gain, and road conditions can significantly impact the time it takes to bike 100 miles. For example, if a cyclist is riding on a flat road with little wind resistance, they can maintain a consistent speed and cover the distance more quickly. However, if they are biking uphill or facing strong headwinds, their speed will decrease, and it will take longer to reach the 100-mile mark.

Training and Preparation

Training and preparation are crucial when it comes to successfully completing a 100-mile bike ride. Cyclists should begin training at least 12 weeks in advance to ensure they are properly conditioned and can ride at a moderate pace for an extended period of time. In this section, we will cover the key components of a successful training plan, proper hydration and nutrition, and the importance of rest and recovery.

Training Plan

How long does it take to bike 100 miles

When creating a training plan, it is important to consider your current fitness level, cycling experience, and skill level. Cyclists should gradually increase their mileage and intensity over the course of 12 weeks, with a focus on building endurance and power. A sample training plan may include:

  • Weeks 1-4: Three to four rides per week, with a total weekly mileage of 50-75 miles.
  • Weeks 5-8: Four to five rides per week, with a total weekly mileage of 75-100 miles.
  • Weeks 9-12: Five to six rides per week, with a total weekly mileage of 100-125 miles.

Hydration and Nutrition

Proper hydration is important during training and on the day of the ride. Cyclists should aim to drink at least 20 ounces of water two hours before the ride, and then 10-15 ounces every 15-20 minutes during the ride. It is also important to consume carbohydrates and electrolytes during the ride to maintain energy levels. A sample nutrition plan may include:

MileageCarbohydrates (grams)Electrolytes (sodium, potassium)
25-50 miles30-60 grams400-600 mg
50-75 miles60-90 grams800-1000 mg
75-100 miles90-120 grams1200-1500 mg

Rest and Recovery

Rest stops are important during the ride to allow the body to recover and refuel. Cyclists should aim to stop every 25-30 miles for at least 10-15 minutes to stretch, hydrate, and consume carbohydrates and electrolytes. It is also important to properly rest and recover after each training ride to avoid injury and fatigue. Cyclists should aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night and incorporate rest days into their training plan.

Route Planning

Planning your route is one of the most crucial factors in a 100-mile bike ride. This section will discuss the key aspects of route planning, including choosing the route, terrain and elevation, and wind and weather.

Choosing the Route

When planning a 100-mile bike ride, it is essential to choose a route that is challenging but still comfortable to ride. Consider the terrain, traffic, and scenery. It is also important to plan a route that has rest stops along the way for snacks and water bottle refills.

Terrain and Elevation

The terrain and elevation of your route will greatly impact your cycling pace and endurance. Hills and steep inclines can be challenging, so it is important to plan your route accordingly. Consider incorporating intervals of flat terrain to give your feet a break and allow for a good pace.

Wind and Weather

Wind and weather conditions can also impact your cycling pace and endurance. Check the weather forecast before your ride and plan accordingly. If there is a chance of rain or strong winds, it may be best to reschedule your ride. If you must ride in less than ideal conditions, dress appropriately and bring extra snacks and water to prevent dehydration.

Overall, planning your route is a critical aspect of a successful 100-mile bike ride. Take the time to drive the 100-mile route and plan the route you are to take. With a good pace and proper planning, you can conquer the challenge of a century ride and enjoy the experience of long-distance cycling.

Bike Setup and Maintenance

Having the right bike setup and maintenance can make all the difference when it comes to biking 100 miles. Here are some important factors to consider:

Choosing the Right Bike

Choosing the right bike is crucial for a comfortable and efficient ride. Different types of bikes are suited for different purposes, so it’s important to choose one that fits your needs. For biking 100 miles, a road bike or a touring bike is typically the best choice. These bikes are designed for long-distance rides and have a lightweight frame, narrow tires, and multiple gears for different terrains.

Bike Fit and Comfort

Once you have the right bike, it’s important to make sure it fits properly. A bike that is too big or too small can cause discomfort and even injury. To ensure a proper fit, consider getting a professional bike fitting. This will help you adjust the seat height, handlebar position, and other factors to suit your body type and riding style. Additionally, investing in a comfortable saddle, padded shorts, and cycling shoes can make a big difference in your comfort level during a long ride.

Maintenance and Repairs

Keeping your bike in good condition is essential for a successful 100-mile ride. Regular maintenance such as cleaning and lubricating the chain, checking tire pressure, and inspecting brakes can help prevent breakdowns and ensure a smooth ride. It’s also a good idea to carry a basic repair kit with you, including spare tubes, tire levers, and a multi-tool. Knowing how to change a flat tire and make other basic repairs can save you time and frustration on the road.


Here are some frequently asked questions about biking 100 miles:

How long does it take to bike 100 miles?

The time it takes to bike 100 miles varies depending on the individual’s fitness level, experience, and the terrain of the route. On average, it takes between 5 and 8 hours to bike 100 miles. However, some experienced cyclists can complete the distance in under 4 hours, while others may take over 10 hours.

What is a good speed for biking 100 miles?

A good speed for biking 100 miles is subjective and depends on the individual’s goals and fitness level. On average, a speed of 12-15 miles per hour is considered a good pace for long-distance cycling. However, experienced cyclists may maintain a speed of 20 miles per hour or more.

What should I eat while biking 100 miles?

It is important to fuel your body with carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats while biking 100 miles. Some good options include energy bars, bananas, trail mix, sandwiches, and electrolyte drinks. It is also important to stay hydrated and drink water or sports drinks regularly.

Do I need special equipment to bike 100 miles?

While it is not necessary to have special equipment to bike 100 miles, having a properly fitted bike and comfortable clothing can make the experience more enjoyable. It is also important to bring a repair kit, spare tubes, and a pump in case of a flat tire or other mechanical issues.

How should I train for biking 100 miles?

Training for biking 100 miles should include building endurance through longer rides and incorporating interval training to improve speed and power. It is also important to cross-train with activities such as strength training, yoga, or swimming to prevent injury and improve overall fitness.


Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that the time it takes to bike 100 miles varies greatly depending on a variety of factors. Factors such as the rider’s fitness level, the terrain, weather conditions, and the type of bike used can all play a significant role in how long it takes to complete the distance.

On average, a fit and experienced rider on a road bike can complete 100 miles in 6-7 hours, while a less experienced rider on a hybrid bike may take 8-10 hours. However, these numbers are just averages and should not be taken as definitive.

It is important to note that completing a 100-mile bike ride is a significant accomplishment, regardless of the time it takes to complete. Riders should focus on setting achievable goals and working towards them, rather than getting caught up in comparing themselves to others.

Also read How long does it take to bike 20 miles?